Friday 14 July 2017

Moving Average Lag Operator

22 SQL para análise e relatórios A Oracle aprimorou os recursos de processamento analítico SQL, introduzindo uma nova família de funções SQL analíticas. Essas funções analíticas permitem calcular: Rankings e percentis. Cálculos de janela em movimento. Estatísticas de regressão linear. As funções de classificação incluem distribuições cumulativas, porcentagem de classificação e N-tiles. Os cálculos da janela móvel permitem que você encontre agregações em movimento e cumulativas, como somas e médias. A análise da Laglead permite referências directas entre filas para que você possa calcular as mudanças de período a período. A análise Firstlast permite que você encontre o primeiro ou último valor em um grupo ordenado. Outros aprimoramentos no SQL incluem a expressão CASE e a junção externa particionada. As expressões CASE fornecem if-then logic úteis em muitas situações. A junção externa particionada é uma extensão da sintaxe de associação externa da ANSI que permite aos usuários densificar seletivamente certas dimensões enquanto mantém outras escassas. Isso permite que as ferramentas de relatório densifiquem seletivamente dimensões, por exemplo, aquelas que aparecem em seus relatórios de tabelas cruzadas, enquanto mantêm outras escassas. Para melhorar o desempenho, as funções analíticas podem ser paralelizadas: vários processos podem executar simultaneamente todas essas afirmações. Essas capacidades tornam os cálculos mais fáceis e eficientes, aumentando assim o desempenho, a escalabilidade e a simplicidade do banco de dados. As funções analíticas são classificadas como descrito na Tabela 22-1. Tabela 22-1 Funções analíticas e seus usos Para executar essas operações, as funções analíticas adicionam vários novos elementos ao processamento SQL. Esses elementos se baseiam no SQL existente para permitir expressões de cálculo flexíveis e poderosas. Com poucas exceções, as funções analíticas possuem esses novos elementos. O fluxo de processamento está representado na Figura 22-1. Figura 22-1 Ordem de processamento Os conceitos essenciais utilizados nas funções analíticas são: o processamento de consultas usando funções analíticas ocorre em três etapas. Primeiro, todas as junções, ONDE. As cláusulas GROUP BY e HAVING são realizadas. Em segundo lugar, o conjunto de resultados é disponibilizado para as funções analíticas e todos os seus cálculos ocorrem. Em terceiro lugar, se a consulta tiver uma cláusula ORDER BY no final, a ORDER BY é processada para permitir uma ordem de saída precisa. A ordem de processamento é mostrada na Figura 22-1. Partições de conjunto de resultados As funções analíticas permitem aos usuários dividir os conjuntos de resultados da consulta em grupos de linhas chamados de partições. Observe que o termo partições usadas com funções analíticas não está relacionado com o recurso de partição de tabela. Ao longo deste capítulo, o termo "partições" refere-se apenas ao significado relacionado às funções analíticas. As partições são criadas após os grupos definidos com as cláusulas GROUP BY, por isso estão disponíveis para todos os resultados agregados, como somas e médias. As divisões de partição podem ser baseadas em colunas ou expressões desejadas. Um conjunto de resultados de consulta pode ser dividido em apenas uma partição que contém todas as linhas, algumas partições grandes ou muitas partições pequenas que possuem apenas algumas linhas cada. Para cada linha de uma partição, você pode definir uma janela deslizante de dados. Esta janela determina o intervalo de linhas usadas para executar os cálculos para a linha atual. Os tamanhos das janelas podem ser baseados em um número físico de linhas ou um intervalo lógico, como o tempo. A janela tem uma linha inicial e uma linha final. Dependendo da sua definição, a janela pode se mover em uma ou em ambas as extremidades. Por exemplo, uma janela definida para uma função de soma cumulativa teria sua linha inicial fixada na primeira linha de sua partição, e sua linha final deslizaria desde o ponto de partida até a última linha da partição. Em contraste, uma janela definida para uma média móvel teria seus pontos de partida e de extremidade deslizados para que eles mantenham uma faixa física ou lógica constante. Uma janela pode ser definida como grande como todas as linhas em uma partição ou apenas uma janela deslizante de uma linha dentro de uma partição. Quando uma janela está perto de uma borda, a função retorna resultados apenas para as linhas disponíveis, ao invés de avisá-lo de que os resultados não são o que você deseja. Ao usar as funções da janela, a linha atual está incluída durante os cálculos, portanto, você deve especificar (n -1) quando estiver lidando com n itens. Cada cálculo executado com uma função analítica é baseado em uma linha atual dentro de uma partição. A linha atual serve como o ponto de referência que determina o início e o final da janela. Por exemplo, um cálculo de média móvel centrada poderia ser definido com uma janela que contenha a linha atual, as seis linhas precedentes e as seis linhas seguintes. Isso criaria uma janela deslizante de 13 linhas, como mostrado na Figura 22-2. Figura 22-2 Exemplo de Janela deslizante Classificar, Vincular e Reportagem Funções Esta seção ilustra as funções analíticas básicas para classificação, janelas e relatórios. Exemplo de cálculo de regressão linear Neste exemplo, calculamos uma linha de regressão de mínimos quadrados comuns que expressa a quantidade vendida de um produto como uma função linear do preço de lista de produtos. Os cálculos são agrupados pelo canal de vendas. Os valores SLOPE. INTCPT. RSQR são inclinação, interceptação e coeficiente de determinação da linha de regressão, respectivamente. O valor (número inteiro) COUNT é o número de produtos em cada canal para quem a quantidade vendida e os dados do preço da lista estão disponíveis. Agregados estatísticos O Oracle fornece um conjunto de funções estatísticas SQL e um pacote de estatísticas, DBMSSTATFUNCS. Esta seção lista algumas das novas funções, juntamente com a sintaxe básica. Estatística descritiva Você pode calcular as seguintes estatísticas descritivas: Mediana de um modo de conjunto de dados de um conjunto de dados Você pode calcular as seguintes estatísticas paramétricas: Spearmans rho Coeficiente Kendalls tau-b Coeficiente Além das funções, esta versão possui um pacote PLSQL, DBMSSTATFUNCS . Ele contém a função estatística descritiva RESUMO juntamente com funções para suportar o ajuste de distribuição. A função RESUMO resume uma coluna numérica de uma tabela com uma variedade de estatísticas descritivas. As cinco funções de montagem de distribuição suportam distribuição normal, uniforme, Weibull, Poisson e exponencial. Agregados Definidos pelo Usuário A Oracle oferece uma facilidade para criar suas próprias funções, chamadas funções agregadas definidas pelo usuário. Essas funções são escritas em linguagens de programação como PLSQL, Java e C e podem ser usadas como funções analíticas ou agregados em visualizações materializadas. Consulte o Guia do desenvolvedor de cartuchos de dados do banco de dados Oracle para obter mais informações sobre sintaxe e restrições. As vantagens dessas funções são: funções altamente complexas podem ser programadas usando um idioma totalmente processual. Maior escalabilidade do que outras técnicas quando as funções definidas pelo usuário são programadas para processamento paralelo. Os tipos de dados do objeto podem ser processados. Como um exemplo simples de uma função agregada definida pelo usuário, considere a estatística de desvio. Este cálculo mede se um conjunto de dados tiver uma distribuição desequilibrada sobre o seu significado. Ele irá dizer se uma cauda da distribuição é significativamente maior que a outra. Se você criou um agregado definido pelo usuário chamado udskew e aplicou-o aos dados de limite de crédito no exemplo anterior, a instrução SQL e os resultados podem parecer assim: antes de criar funções agregadas definidas pelo usuário, você deve considerar se suas necessidades podem ser atendidas Em SQL normal. Muitos cálculos complexos são possíveis diretamente no SQL, particularmente usando a expressão CASE. Permanecer com SQL regular permitirá um desenvolvimento mais simples e muitas operações de consulta já estão bem paralelizadas no SQL. Mesmo o exemplo anterior, a estatística de inclinação, pode ser criada usando padrão, embora longo, SQL. Operações pivotantes O d ata retornado por consultas de inteligência de negócios é muitas vezes mais utilizável se apresentado em um formato crosstabular. O pivô da indicação SELECT permite que você escreva consultas de crosstabulation que rotem linhas em colunas, agregando dados no processo de rotação. Pivoting é uma técnica chave nos data warehouses. Nela, você transforma várias linhas de entrada em linhas menos e geralmente mais amplas no data warehouse. Ao girar, um operador de agregação é aplicado para cada item na lista de valores da coluna pivô. A coluna de pivô não pode conter uma expressão arbitrária. Se você precisa girar em uma expressão, então você deve alias a expressão em uma visualização antes da operação PIVOT. A sintaxe básica é a seguinte: Para ilustrar o uso do pivô, crie a seguinte visão como base para exemplos posteriores: Exemplo: Pivote A seguinte declaração ilustra um pivô típico na coluna do canal: Observe que a saída criou quatro novas colunas alias , VENDAS DIRETAS. INTERNETES. CATALOGSALES. E TELESALES. Um para cada um dos valores de pivô. O resultado é uma soma. Se nenhum alias for fornecido, o título da coluna será os valores do IN-list. Pivote em múltiplas colunas Você pode girar em mais de uma coluna. A seguinte declaração ilustra um pivô típico de várias colunas: Observe que este exemplo especifica uma lista IN de várias colunas com cabeçalhos de coluna projetados para coincidir com os membros do Listado IN. Pivote: vários agregados Você pode girar com vários agregados, como mostrado no exemplo a seguir: Observe que a consulta cria cabeçalhos de coluna, concatenando os valores de pivô (ou alias) com o alias da função agregada, além de um sublinhado. Distinguir Nulos Gerados por PIVOT de Nulos em Dados de Origem Você pode distinguir entre valores nulos gerados pelo uso de PIVOT e aqueles que existem nos dados de origem. O exemplo a seguir ilustra nulos que o PIVOT gera. A seguinte consulta retorna linhas com 5 colunas, coluna prodid. E pivô colunas resultantes Q1. Q1COUNTTOTAL. Q2. Q2COUNTTOTAL. Para cada valor exclusivo de prodid. Q1COUNTTOTAL retorna o número total de linhas cujo valor qtr é Q1. Isto é, e Q2COUNTTOTAL retorna o número total de linhas cujo valor qtr é Q2. Suponha que temos uma tabela de vendas2 da seguinte estrutura: do resultado, sabemos que para prodid 100, existem 2 linhas de vendas para o quarto trimestre. E 1 linha de vendas para o quarto trimestre 2 para prodid 200, há 1 linha de vendas para o quarto trimestre. E nenhuma linha de vendas para o trimestre Q2. Assim, em Q2COUNTTOTAL. Você pode identificar que NULLlt1gt vem de uma linha na tabela original cuja medida é de valor nulo, enquanto NULLlt2gt é devido a nenhuma linha estar presente na tabela original para prodid 200 no quarto Q2. Operações de não-rotação Uma variável não invoca uma operação PIVOT. Em vez disso, ele gira dados de colunas em linhas. Se você estiver trabalhando com dados articulados, uma operação UNPIVOT não pode reverter as agregações que foram feitas pela PIVOT ou por qualquer outro meio. Para ilustrar o não gráfico, primeiro crie uma tabela giratória que inclua quatro colunas, para trimestres do ano: o conteúdo das tabelas é semelhante ao seguinte: A seguinte operação UNPIVOT gira as quartas colunas em linhas. Para cada produto, haverá quatro linhas, uma para cada trimestre. Observe o uso de INCLUDE NULLS neste exemplo. Você também pode usar EXCLUDE NULLS. Qual é a configuração padrão. Além disso, você também pode deslocalizar usando duas colunas, como se segue: Wildcard e Subquery Pivoting com Operações XML Se você quiser usar um argumento curinga ou subconsulta em suas colunas giratórias, você pode fazê-lo com a sintaxe XML PIVOT. Com PIVOT XML, a saída da operação é formatada de forma adequada XML. O exemplo a seguir ilustra o uso da palavra-chave do curinga, QUALQUER. Ele produz XML que inclui todos os valores do canal na exibição de vendas: Observe que a palavra-chave ANY está disponível nas operações PIVOT apenas como parte de uma operação XML. Esta saída inclui dados para casos em que o canal existe no conjunto de dados. Observe também que as funções de agregação devem especificar uma cláusula GROUP BY para retornar vários valores, mas o pivotclause não contém uma cláusula GROUP BY explícita. Em vez disso, o pivotclause executa um GROUP BY implícito. O exemplo a seguir ilustra o uso de uma subconsulta. Ele produz XML que inclui todos os valores dos canais e os dados de vendas correspondentes a cada canal: a saída densifica os dados para incluir todos os canais possíveis para cada produto. Data Densification for Reporting Data normalmente é armazenada em forma esparsa. Ou seja, se nenhum valor existe para uma determinada combinação de valores de dimensão, nenhuma linha existe na tabela de fatos. No entanto, você pode querer visualizar os dados de forma densa, com linhas para todos os valores de dimensão de combinação exibidos mesmo quando não existem dados de fato para eles. Por exemplo, se um produto não vendeu durante um determinado período de tempo, você ainda pode querer ver o produto para esse período de tempo com zero valor de vendas ao lado dele. Além disso, os cálculos das séries temporais podem ser realizados com maior facilidade quando os dados são densos ao longo da dimensão do tempo. Isso ocorre porque os dados densos preencherão um número consistente de linhas para cada período, o que, por sua vez, torna simples usar as funções analíticas de janelas com deslocamentos físicos. A densificação de dados é o processo de conversão de dados dispersos em uma forma densa. Para superar o problema da sparsity, você pode usar uma junção externa particionada para preencher as lacunas em uma série temporal ou qualquer outra dimensão. Essa união alarga a sintaxe de união externa convencional aplicando a junção externa a cada partição lógica definida em uma consulta. Oracle logicamente particiona as linhas em sua consulta com base na expressão que você especifica na cláusula PARTITION BY. O resultado de uma junção externa particionada é uma UNION das junções externas de cada uma das partições na tabela logicamente particionada com a tabela do outro lado da união. Note que você pode usar esse tipo de junção para preencher as lacunas em qualquer dimensão, não apenas a dimensão do tempo. A maioria dos exemplos aqui se concentra na dimensão do tempo porque é a dimensão mais utilizada como base para comparações. Sintaxe de associação de partição A sintaxe para junção externa particionada estende a cláusula ANSI SQL JOIN com a frase PARTITION BY seguida de uma lista de expressões. As expressões na lista especificam o grupo ao qual a associação externa é aplicada. As seguintes são as duas formas de sintaxe normalmente usadas para junção externa particionada: Observe que FULL OUTER JOIN não é suportado com uma associação externa particionada. Amostra de Dados Esparsos Uma situação típica com uma dimensão esparsa é mostrada no exemplo a seguir, que calcula as vendas semanais e as vendas acumuladas no ano para o produto Bounce nas semanas 20 a 30 em 2000 e 2001: neste exemplo, nós Seria de esperar 22 linhas de dados (11 semanas a cada 2 anos) se os dados fossem densos. No entanto, temos apenas 18 linhas porque as semanas 25 e 26 estão faltando em 2000 e as semanas 26 e 28 em 2001. Preenchendo lacunas em dados Podemos tirar dados escassos da consulta anterior e fazer uma junção externa particionada com um conjunto denso de Dados de tempo. Na consulta a seguir, alias nossa consulta original como v e selecionamos dados da tabela de horários, que alias como t. Aqui recuperamos 22 linhas porque não há lacunas na série. As quatro linhas adicionadas possuem 0 como seu valor de vendas definido como 0 usando a função NVL. Observe que nesta consulta, uma condição WHERE foi colocada por semanas entre 20 e 30 na visualização em linha para a dimensão do tempo. Isso foi introduzido para manter o conjunto de resultados pequeno. Lacunas de preenchimento em duas dimensões Os dados de N-dimensional geralmente são exibidos como uma aba transversal bidimensional densa de (n - 2) dimensões da página. Isso requer que todos os valores de dimensão para as duas dimensões que aparecem na aba cruzada sejam preenchidos. O seguinte é outro exemplo em que a capacidade de junção externa particionada pode ser usada para preencher as lacunas em duas dimensões: nessa consulta, a cláusula de factoring WITH subquery A v1 resume os dados de vendas no produto, no país e no nível do ano. Este resultado é esparso, mas os usuários podem querer ver todas as combinações país, ano para cada produto. Para conseguir isso, tomamos cada partição de v1 com base nos valores dos produtos e junte-a externamente na dimensão do país primeiro. Isso nos dará todos os valores do país para cada produto. Em seguida, tomamos esse resultado e particionamos nos valores do produto e do país e, em seguida, juntamos-o na dimensão do tempo. Isso nos dará todos os valores de tempo para cada combinação de produtos e países. Lacunas de preenchimento em uma tabela de inventário Uma tabela de inventário normalmente rastreia a quantidade de unidades disponíveis para vários produtos. Esta tabela é esparsa: apenas armazena uma linha para um produto quando há um evento. Para uma tabela de vendas, o evento é uma venda, e para a tabela de inventário, o evento é uma alteração na quantidade disponível para um produto. Por exemplo, considere a seguinte tabela de inventário: A tabela de inventário agora possui as seguintes linhas: Para fins de relatório, os usuários podem querer ver esses dados de inventário de forma diferente. Por exemplo, eles podem querer ver todos os valores de tempo para cada produto. Isso pode ser feito usando a junção externa particionada. Além disso, para as linhas recém-inseridas de períodos de tempo faltantes, os usuários podem querer ver os valores da quantidade de unidades de coluna a serem transferidas do período de tempo existente mais recente. O último pode ser realizado usando o valor LASTVALUE da função de janela analítica. Aqui está a consulta e a saída desejada: a consulta interna computa uma junção externa particionada no tempo dentro de cada produto. A consulta interna densifica os dados na dimensão do tempo (significando que a dimensão do tempo agora terá uma linha para cada dia da semana). No entanto, a quantidade de coluna de medida terá nulos para as linhas recém-adicionadas (veja a saída na quantidade de coluna nos seguintes resultados. A consulta externa usa a função analítica LASTVALUE. Aplicando esta função, particiona os dados por produto e ordena os dados no Coluna de dimensão de tempo (timeid). Para cada linha, a função encontra o último valor não nulo na janela devido à opção IGNORE NULLS, que você pode usar com LASTVALUE e FIRSTVALUE. Vemos a saída desejada na quantidade repetida da coluna em A seguinte saída: Computação de valores de dados para preencher lacunas Os exemplos na seção anterior ilustram como usar a junção externa particionada para preencher lacunas em uma ou mais dimensões. No entanto, os conjuntos de resultados produzidos por junção externa particionada possuem valores nulos para colunas que não estão incluídas A lista PARTITION BY. Normalmente, estas são colunas de medidas. Os usuários podem usar funções SQL analíticas para substituir esses valores nulos por um valor não nulo. Por exemplo, o seguinte q Utile calcula totais mensais para produtos de 64MB de cartão de memória e discos DVD-R (ID de produto 122 e 136) para o ano 2000. Ele usa partição externa particionada para densificar dados para todos os meses. Para os meses que faltam, ele usa a função SQL analítica AVG para calcular as vendas e as unidades como a média dos meses em que o produto foi vendido. Se estiver trabalhando no SQLPlus, os dois comandos a seguir envolver os cabeçalhos das colunas para maior legibilidade dos resultados: Cálculos de séries temporais na Densificação de dados densificados não é apenas para fins de relatório. Também permite certos tipos de cálculos, especialmente cálculos de séries temporais. Os cálculos da série temporal são mais fáceis quando os dados são densos ao longo da dimensão do tempo. Os dados densos têm um número consistente de linhas para cada período de tempo, o que, por sua vez, torna simples usar funções de janela analítica com deslocamentos físicos. Para ilustrar, primeiro façamos o exemplo de preenchimento de lacunas em dados. E vamos adicionar uma função analítica a essa consulta. Na versão aprimorada a seguir, calculamos vendas semanais ao longo do ano, ao lado das vendas semanais. Os valores NULL que a junção externa particionada são inseridos na criação de séries temporais densas são tratados de maneira usual: a função SUM os trata como 0s. Comparação período a período para um nível de tempo: Exemplo Como usamos esse recurso para comparar valores em períodos de tempo Especificamente, como calculamos uma comparação de vendas ano a ano no nível da semana. A seguinte consulta retorna na mesma linha , Para cada produto, as vendas acumuladas a cada semana de 2001 com a de 2000. Observe que, neste exemplo, começamos com uma cláusula WITH. Isso melhora a legibilidade da consulta e nos permite focar a união externa particionada. Se estiver trabalhando no SQLPlus, o seguinte comando envolve os cabeçalhos das colunas para maior legibilidade dos resultados: na cláusula FROM da visualização em linha densesales. Usamos uma junção externa particionada de vista agregada v e exibição de tempo t para preencher lacunas nos dados de vendas ao longo da dimensão do tempo. A saída da união externa particionada é então processada pela função analítica SUM. OVER para calcular as vendas semanais do ano até à data (a coluna weeklyytdsales). Assim, a visão densesales calcula os dados de vendas do ano até à data para cada semana, incluindo aqueles que faltam na visão agregada s. A exibição em linha yearoveryearsales então calcula ano a ano as vendas semanais semestralmente usando a função LAG. A função LAG denominada weeklyytdsalesprioryear especifica uma cláusula PARTITION BY que combina linhas para a mesma semana dos anos 2000 e 2001 em uma única partição. Em seguida, passamos um deslocamento de 1 para a função LAG para obter as vendas do ano semanal para o ano anterior. O bloco de consulta mais externo seleciona dados de yearoveryearsales com a condição yr 2001. e, portanto, a consulta retorna, para cada produto, é semanal Vendas no acumulado do ano nas semanas especificadas dos anos de 2001 e 2000. Comparação Período-Período para vários níveis de tempo: Exemplo Embora o exemplo anterior nos mostre uma maneira de criar comparações para um único nível de tempo, seria ainda mais Útil para lidar com vários níveis de tempo em uma única consulta. Por exemplo, podemos comparar as vendas em relação ao período anterior nos níveis de ano, trimestre, mês e dia. Como podemos criar uma consulta que realiza uma comparação de ano a ano sobre as vendas do acumulado para todos os níveis da hierarquia do tempo. Vamos realizar várias etapas para realizar esta tarefa. O objetivo é uma única consulta com comparações ao nível do dia, semana, mês, trimestre e ano. Os passos são os seguintes: criaremos uma visão chamada cubeprodtime. Que possui um cubo hierárquico de vendas agregado em tempos e produtos. Em seguida, criaremos uma visão da dimensão do tempo para usar como uma ponta do cubo. A borda do tempo, que contém um conjunto completo de datas, será particionada externa juntada aos dados esparsos na vista cubeprodtime. Finalmente, para obter o máximo desempenho, criaremos uma visão materializada, mvprodtime. Construído usando a mesma definição como cubeprodtime. Para obter mais informações sobre cubos hierárquicos, consulte o Capítulo 21, SQL para agregação em data warehouses. A visualização materializada é definida na Etapa 1 na seção a seguir. Passo 1 Crie a visão do cubo hierárquico A visualização materializada mostrada no seguinte pode existir no seu sistema se não, crie-o agora. Se você deve gerá-lo, note que limitamos a consulta apenas a dois produtos para manter o tempo de processamento curto: porque essa visão é limitada a dois produtos, ele retorna um pouco mais de 2200 linhas. Observe que a coluna HierarchicalTime contém representações de seqüência de tempo de todos os níveis da hierarquia de tempo. A expressão CASE usada para a coluna HierarchicalTime anexa um marcador (0, 1.) a cada string de data para indicar o nível de tempo do valor. A 0 representa o nível do ano, 1 é quarto, 2 meses e 3 é o dia. Observe que a cláusula GROUP BY é um ROLLUP concatenado que especifica a hierarquia de rollup para o tempo e as dimensões do produto. A cláusula GROUP BY é o que determina o conteúdo hierárquico do cubo. Passo 2 Crie o tempo de exibição de exibição, que é um conjunto completo de valores de data. Edgetime é a fonte para preencher lacunas de tempo no cubo hierárquico usando uma junção externa particionada. A coluna HierarchicalTime em edgetime será usada em uma junção particionada com a coluna HierarchicalTime na vista cubeprodtime. A seguinte declaração define edgetime: Etapa 3 Crie a visualização materializada mvprodtime para suportar um desempenho mais rápido. A definição de exibição materializada é uma duplicata da vista cubeprodtime definida anteriormente. Como é uma consulta duplicada, as referências ao cubeprodtime serão reescritas para usar a visão materializada do mvprodtime. O material que se segue pode já existir no seu sistema se não, crie-o agora. Se você deve gerá-lo, observe que limitamos a consulta apenas a dois produtos para manter o tempo de processamento curto. Passo 4 Crie a consulta de comparação Nós estabelecemos o cenário para a nossa consulta de comparação. Podemos obter cálculos de comparação de período a período em todos os níveis de tempo. Ele requer a aplicação de funções analíticas a um cubo hierárquico com dados densos ao longo da dimensão temporal. Alguns dos cálculos que podemos alcançar para cada nível de tempo são: Soma das vendas para o período anterior em todos os níveis de tempo. Variação nas vendas ao longo do período anterior. Soma das vendas no mesmo período de um ano atrás em todos os níveis de tempo. Variação nas vendas em relação ao mesmo período do ano passado. O seguinte exemplo executa todos os quatro desses cálculos. Ele usa uma junção externa particionada das vistas cubeprodtime e edgetime para criar uma visão em linha de dados densos chamados densecubeprodtime. A consulta então usa a função LAG da mesma maneira que o exemplo anterior de nível único. A cláusula WHERE externa especifica o tempo em três níveis: os dias de agosto de 2001, todo o mês e todo o terceiro trimestre de 2001. Observe que as últimas duas linhas dos resultados contêm as agregações de nível de mês e quarto. Observe que fazer Os resultados são mais fáceis de ler se você estiver usando o SQLPlus, os cabeçalhos das colunas devem ser ajustados com os seguintes comandos. Os comandos dobrarão os cabeçalhos das colunas para reduzir o comprimento da linha: Aqui está a consulta que compara as vendas atuais com vendas anteriores e ano anterior: a primeira função LAG (salespriorperiod) divide os dados no gidp. gato. Subcat. Prod. Gidt e ordena as linhas em todas as colunas de dimensão do tempo. Obtém o valor de vendas do período anterior passando um deslocamento de 1. A segunda função LAG (salessameperiodprioryprioryear) particiona os dados em colunas adicionais qtrnum. Monnum. E daynum e ordena-lo em ano para que, com um deslocamento de 1, ele pode calcular as vendas do ano passado no mesmo período. A cláusula SELECT mais externa calcula as variações. Criando um membro personalizado em uma dimensão: Exemplo Em muitas tarefas SQL analíticas, é útil definir membros personalizados em uma dimensão. Por exemplo, você pode definir um período de tempo especializado para análises. Você pode usar uma junção externa particionada para adicionar temporariamente um membro a uma dimensão. Observe que a nova cláusula SQL MODEL é adequada para criar cenários mais complexos envolvendo novos membros em dimensões. Consulte o Capítulo 23, SQL for Modeling para obter mais informações sobre este tópico. Como um exemplo de uma tarefa, e se quisermos definir um novo membro para a nossa dimensão de tempo, queremos criar um 13º membro do nível do mês em nossa dimensão de tempo. Este 13º mês é definido como o somatório das vendas para cada produto no primeiro mês de cada trimestre do ano de 2001. A solução tem duas etapas. Note que vamos construir esta solução usando as visualizações e tabelas criadas no exemplo anterior. São necessárias duas etapas. Primeiro, crie uma vista com o novo membro adicionado à dimensão apropriada. A vista usa uma operação UNION ALL para adicionar o novo membro. Para consultar usando o membro personalizado, use uma expressão CASE e uma junção externa particionada. O nosso novo membro para a dimensão do tempo é criado com a seguinte visão: nesta declaração, o timecão de exibição é definido executando um UNION ALL da exibição edgetime (definido no exemplo anterior) e o 13º mês definido pelo usuário. O valor gidt de 8 foi escolhido para diferenciar o membro personalizado dos membros padrão. O UNION ALL especifica os atributos para um membro do 13º mês fazendo um SELECT da tabela DUAL. Observe que o ID do agrupamento, coluna gidt. É definido como 8 e o número do trimestre é definido como 5. Então, o segundo passo é usar uma visualização em linha da consulta para executar uma junção externa particionada de cubeprodtime com timec. Esta etapa cria dados de vendas para o 13º mês em cada nível de agregação de produtos. Na consulta principal, a função analítica SUM é usada com uma expressão CASE para calcular o 13º mês, que é definido como o somatório das vendas de primeiros meses de cada trimestre. A função SUM usa um CASO para limitar os dados aos meses 1, 4, 7 e 10 dentro de cada ano. Devido ao pequeno conjunto de dados, com apenas 2 produtos, os valores cumulativos dos resultados são necessariamente repetições de agregações de nível inferior. Para um conjunto mais realista de valores cumulativos, você pode incluir mais produtos das subcategorias Game Console e Y Box Games na visualização materializada subjacente. Diversas capacidades de análise e relatórios Esta seção ilustra os seguintes recursos analíticos adicionais: WIDTHBUCKET Função Para uma determinada expressão, a função WIDTHBUCKET retorna o número do balde que o resultado dessa expressão será atribuído após a avaliação. Você pode gerar histogramas de equiwidth com esta função. Equiwidth histogramas dividem conjuntos de dados em baldes cujo tamanho de intervalo (valor mais alto para menor valor) é igual. O número de linhas detidas por cada balde variará. Uma função relacionada, NTILE. Cria baldes de equiheight. Equiwidth histogramas só podem ser gerados para tipos numéricos, data ou data-hora. Portanto, os três primeiros parâmetros devem ser todas as expressões numéricas ou todas as expressões de data. Não são permitidos outros tipos de expressões. Se o primeiro parâmetro for NULL. O resultado é NULL. Se o segundo ou o terceiro parâmetro for NULL. Uma mensagem de erro é retornada, pois um valor NULL não pode indicar qualquer ponto final (ou qualquer ponto) para um intervalo em uma data ou uma dimensão de valor numérico. O último parâmetro (número de baldes) deve ser uma expressão numérica que avalie para um valor inteiro positivo 0, NULL. Ou um valor negativo resultará em um erro. Os baldes estão numerados de 0 a (n 1). O balde 0 contém a contagem de valores inferiores ao mínimo. O balde (n 1) contém a contagem de valores maiores ou iguais ao valor máximo especificado. WIDTHBUCKET Sintaxe O WIDTHBUCKET leva quatro expressões como parâmetros. O primeiro parâmetro é a expressão que o histograma equiwidth é para. Os segundo e terceiro parâmetros são expressões que indicam os pontos finais do intervalo aceitável para o primeiro parâmetro. O quarto parâmetro indica o número de baldes. Considere os seguintes dados dos clientes da tabela. Que mostra os limites de crédito de 17 clientes. Estes dados são reunidos na consulta mostrada no Exemplo 22-24. Na tabela de clientes. A coluna custcreditlimit contém valores entre 1500 e 15000, e podemos atribuir os valores a quatro baldes de equiwidth, numerados de 1 a 4, usando WIDTHBUCKET (custcreditlimit, 0, 20000, 4). Idealmente, cada balde é um intervalo fechado aberto da linha do número real, por exemplo, o número 2 do balde é atribuído a pontuações entre 5000.0000 e 9999.9999. Às vezes denotado 5000, 10000) para indicar que 5.000 estão incluídos no intervalo e 10.000 são excluídos. Para acomodar valores fora do intervalo 0, 20.000), valores inferiores a 0 são atribuídos a um balde de fluxo inferior designado que é numerado 0 e valores atribuídos a um balde de transbordo designado que é numerado 5 (baldes numéricos 1 em geral). See Figure 22-3 for a graphical illustration of how the buckets are assigned. Figure 22-3 Bucket Assignments You can specify the bounds in the reverse order, for example, WIDTHBUCKET ( custcreditlimit. 20000. 0. 4 ). When the bounds are reversed, the buckets will be open-closed intervals. In this example, bucket number 1 is ( 15000,20000 , bucket number 2 is ( 10000,15000 , and bucket number 4, is ( 0 ,5000 . The overflow bucket will be numbered 0 ( 20000. infinity ), and the underflow bucket will be numbered 5 (- infinity. 0 . It is an error if the bucket count parameter is 0 or negative. Example 22-24 WIDTHBUCKET The followin g query shows the bucket numbers for the credit limits in the customers table for both cases where the boundaries are specified in regular or reverse order. We use a range of 0 to 20,000. Linear Algebra Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics with a wide range of practical applications. Many areas have tasks that can be expressed using linear algebra, and here are some examples from several fields: statistics (multiple linear regression and principle components analysis), data mining (clustering and classification), bioinformatics (analysis of microarray data), operations research (supply chain and other optimization problems), econometrics (a nalysis of consumer demand data), and finance (asset allocation problems). Various libraries for linear algebra are freely available for anyone to use. Oracles UTLNLA package exposes matrix PLSQL data types and wrapper PLSQL subprograms for two of the most popular and robust of these libraries, BLAS and LAPACK. Linear algebra depends on matrix manipulation. Performing matrix manipulation in PLSQL in the past required inventing a matrix representation based on PLSQLs native data types and then writing matrix manipulation routines from scratch. This required substantial programming effort and the performance of the resulting implementation was limited. If developers chose to send data to external packages for processing rather than create their own routines, data transfer back and forth could be time consuming. Using the UTLNLA package lets data stay within Oracle, removes the programming effort, and delivers a fast implementation. Example 22-25 Linear Algebra Here is an example of how Oracles linear algebra support could be used for business analysis. It invokes a multiple linear regression application built using the UTLNLA package. The multiple regression application is implemented in an object called OLSRegression. Note that sample files for the OLS Regression object can be found in ORACLEHOMEplsqldemo . Consider the scenario of a retailer analyzing the effectiveness of its marketing program. Each of its stores allocates its marketing budget over the following possible programs: media advertisements ( media ), promotions ( promo ), discount coupons ( disct ), and direct mailers ( dmail ). The regression analysis builds a linear relationship between the amount of sales that an average store has in a given year ( sales ) and the spending on the four components of the marketing program. Suppose that the marketing data is stored in the following table: Then you can build the following sales-marketing linear model using coefficients: This model can be implemented as the following view, which refers to the OLS regression object: Using this view, a marketing program manager can perform an analysis such as Is this sales-marketing model reasonable for year 2004 data That is, is the multiple-correlation greater than some acceptable value, say, 0.9 The SQL for such a query might be as follows: You could also solve questions such as What is the expected base-line sales revenue of a store without any marketing programs in 2003 or Which component of the marketing program was the most effective in 2004 That is, a dollar increase in which program produced the greatest expected increase in sales See Oracle Database PLSQL Packages and Types Reference for further information regarding the use of the UTLNLA package and linear algebra. CASE Expressions Oracle now supports simple and searched CASE statements. CASE statements are similar in purpose to the DECODE statement, but they offer more flexibility and logical power. They are also easier to read than traditional DECODE statements, and offer better performance as well. They are commonly used when breaking categories into buckets like age (for example, 20-29, 30-39, and so on). The syntax for simple CASE statements is: Simple CASE expressions test if the expr value equals the comparisonexpr . The syntax for searched CASE statements is: You can use any kind of condition in a searched CASE expression, not just an equality test. You can specify only 65,535 arguments and each WHEN. THEN pair counts as two arguments. To avoid exceeding this limit, you can nest CASE expressions so that the returnexpr itself is a CASE expression. Example 22-26 CASE Suppose you wanted to find the average salary of all employees in the company. If an employees salary is less than 2000, you want the query to use 2000 instead. Without a CASE statement, you might choose to write this query as follows: Note that this runs against the hr sample schema. In this, foo is a function that returns its input if the input is greater than 2000, and returns 2000 otherwise. The query has performance implications because it needs to invoke a function for each row. Writing custom functions can also add to the development load. Using CASE expressions in the database without PLSQL, this query can be rewritten as: Using a CASE expression lets you avoid developing custom functions and can also perform faster. Example 22-27 CASE for Aggregating Independent Subsets Using CASE inside aggregate functions is a convenient way to perform aggregates on multiple subsets of data when a plain GROUP BY will not suffice. For instance, the preceding example could have included multiple AVG columns in its SELECT list, each with its own CASE expression. We might have had a query find the average salary for all employees in the salary ranges 0-2000 and 2000-5000. It would look like: Although this query places the aggregates of independent subsets data into separate columns, by adding a CASE expression to the GROUP BY clause we can display the aggregates as the rows of a single column. The next section shows the flexibility of this approach with two approaches to creating histograms with CASE . Creating Histograms You can use the CASE statement when you want to obtain histograms with user-defined buckets (both in number of buckets and width of each bucket). The following are two examples of histograms created with CASE statements. In the first example, the histogram totals are shown in multiple columns and a single row is returned. In the second example, the histogram is shown with a label column and a single column for totals, and multiple rows are returned. Example 22-28 Histogram Example 1 Example 22-29 Histogram Example 2 Frequent Itemsets Instead of counting how often a given event occurs (for example, how often someone has purchased milk at the grocery), you may find it useful to count how often multiple events occur together (for example, how often someone has purchased both milk and cereal together at the grocery store). You can count these multiple events using what is called a frequent itemset, which is, as the name implies, a set of items. Some examples of itemsets could be all of the products that a given customer purchased in a single trip to the grocery store (commonly called a market basket), the web pages that a user accessed in a single session, or the financial services that a given customer utilizes. The practical motivation for using a frequent itemset is to find those itemsets that occur most often. If you analyze a grocery stores point-of-sale data, you might, for example, discover that milk and bananas are the most commonly bought pair of items. Frequent itemsets have thus been used in business intelligence environments for many years, with the most common one being for market basket analysis in the retail industry. Frequent itemset calculations are integrated with the database, operating on top of relational tables and accessed through SQL. This integration provides the following key benefits: Applications that previously relied on frequent itemset operations now benefit from significantly improved performance as well as simpler implementation. SQL-based applications that did not previously use frequent itemsets can now be easily extended to take advantage of this functionality. Frequent itemsets analysis is performed with the PLSQL package DBMSFREQUENTITEMSETS. See Oracle Database PLSQL Packages and Types Reference for more information. In addition, there is an example of frequent itemset usage in Frequent itemsets . Scripting on this page enhances content navigation, but does not change the content in any way. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE OF THE QUALIFICATION This Qualification is for any individual who is, or wishes to be, involved in operating a lifting machines or dealing with challenges in a lifting machine. Typical learners will be persons who are currently performing a range of activities and processes in lifting machine environment who have not received any formal recognition for their skills and knowledge, or learners who wish to embark on this qualification or those with a broad knowledge and skills base who work with lifting machines and who want to specialise in certain aspects of the lifting machine environment. While the Qualification is primarily aimed at providing the lifting machine operator the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and attributes required to perform a variety of activities using lifting equipment, it does not preclude any other individual both within and outside the lifting machine environment from accessing it. This Qualification also enables the learner to work with a degree of responsibility during the performance of the lifting operation without working under direct supervision. The learner will also be able to display leadership skills among fellow workers in operating the lifting machine to perform a variety of tasks. The Core component contains lifting machine and generic competencies covering: Basic first aid and firefighting skills. Knowledge of legislation pertaining to lifting machines. Knowledge of loads. The dynamics of the lifting environment and housekeeping within the lifting machine context. Appreciation of the lifting machine environment. Communication skills specific to the lifting machine environment. Hazardous substances. HIV and Aids. Occupational Health and Safety and the Environment. The Elective component consists of three streams of specialisation in lifting machines, namely lift truck operations, crane operation and mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP), and a general stream which has Unit Standards related to the specialisation streams and Unit Standards relevant to the context in which the learner will operate. Each of these streams constitutes a set of appropriate Unit Standards that allow the learner to obtain competencies in particular areas within the lifting machine environment. The Qualification ensures progression of learning, enabling the learner to meet standards of service excellence required within the lifting machine field of learning and provide access to a higher Qualification within the same or a related sector. The Qualification also focuses on the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes required by a learner at this level and is designed to: To release the potential of people. To provide opportunities for people to move up the value chain. To provide opportunities for people to explore different activities within the lifting machine sector. There are currently two Qualifications for lifting equipment on the NQF. However, both are for operating cranes and apply only to the construction context. They are the National Certificate: Construction: Crane Operations at NQF Level 2 and the National Certificate: Construction: Crane Operations at NQF Level 3. This National Certificate: Lifting Machine Operations at NQF Level 3 is the first of its kind to cover a variety of lifting machines including lift trucks, cranes and mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP). It is a generic qualification that encapsulates common competencies in the Fundamental and Core components and allows for the acquisition of specialised competencies in the Elective component. The Qualification encompasses both the NQF Levels 2, 3 and 4 competencies required by learners to operate the different lifting machines listed in the National Code of Practice for Training Providers (2005) - known as the NCOP and some of the new lifting machines being introduced into the South African market like the rubber-tyred gantry crane (RTG). The NCOP and has been incorporated into the Driven Machine Regulation 18 (11) of 1998. The needs within various manufacturing, production and construction sectors has created a demand for people with the ability to use the different types of lifting machines to perform a wide range of activities safely and efficiently, with due consideration for the context in which they operate. This sector employs a large number of people. Currently most learners complete a particular Unit Standard or set of Unit Standards and the training prescribed in the NCOP in order to obtain a licence to operate a particular lifting machine. This qualification will allow learners and operators in the industry the opportunity to complete an entire qualification should they wish to do so and use it to progress further in their career path. This national Qualification and its related Unit Standards were developed to standardise the accreditation of learning programmes, resulting in improved quality in terms of programme delivery. In terms of the learning pathway, the National Certificate: Lifting Machine Operations at NQF Level 3 will allow a learner to progress to work in plant production by completing the Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC): Plant Production at NQF Level 4. In addition, the learner could also acquire the Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management and pursue a career in management, at the appropriate level, within the lifting machine sector. The latter option contributes to transformation in the country as learners will acquire skills and competencies to gain access to positions within management structures. Other qualifications that allow for upward mobility are listed in the Articulation section. The National Certificate: Lifting Machine Operations at Level 3 supports the objectives of the NQF in that it gives the learner access to a registered Qualification. It will ensure that the quality of education and training. The Qualification will allow learners to benchmark their competencies against international standards. For those who have been in the workplace for a long time, this Qualification represents part of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process to acknowledge workplace skills acquired without the benefit of formal education or training. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE AND RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING It is assumed that learners are competent in Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 2. Learners who have acquired the National Certificate: Constructions: Crane Operations at NQF Level 2 or any other relevant qualification. Recognition of Prior Learning: This Qualification may be achieved in part (or whole) through the recognition of relevant prior knowledge andor experience. The learner must be able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in this Qualification. As part of the provision of recognition of prior learning providers are required to develop a structured means for the assessment of individual learners against the Unit Standards of the Qualification on a case-by-case basis. A range of assessment tools and techniques during formative and summative assessment procedures should be used which have been jointly decided upon by the learner and the assessor. Such procedures, and the assessment of individual cases, are subject to moderation by independent assessors. The same principles that apply to assessment of this Qualification also apply to recognition of prior learning. Learners may provide evidence of prior learning for which they may receive credit towards the Unit Standards andor the Qualification by means of portfolios, physical demonstrations or other forms of appropriate evidence as agreed to between the relevant provider and relevant ETQA or ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding in place with the relevant ETQA. RPL is particularly important, as there are people in the sector or trade union movement with a variety of skills and competencies of differing quality and scope. It is important that an RPL process be available to assist in making sense of existing competencies and skills, and helping to standardise these competencies and skills towards a common standard. Access to the Qualification: There is an open access to this Qualification, keeping in mind the Learning Assumed to be in Place. RECOGNISE PREVIOUS LEARNING A minimum of 122 credits is required to complete the Qualification which is made up of the following components: Fundamental: 36 credits. Core: 55 credits. Electives: 31 credits. Total: 122 credits. Motivation for the number of credits assigned to the Fundamental, Core and Elective Components: There are 36 credits - from Communications and Mathematical Literacy - allocated to this component at the level of the Qualification. All the Unit Standards designated as Fundamental are compulsory. 55 credits have been allocated to Unit Standards designated as Core for the purpose of this Qualification. These Unit Standards provide the generic knowledge and competencies related to work in the lifting machine sector. All the Unit Standards indicated as Core are compulsory. The Elective Component consists of Unit Standards in three streams of specialisation and a general stream, each with its own set of Unit Standards. The specialisation streams are: Crane Operations, Lift Trucks Operations, and the Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWPs). The General stream has both lifting machine related Unit Standards and other Unit Standards relevant to the context in which they will operate. Learners are to choose a specialisation area and Elective Unit Standards at least to the value of 31 credits. If the specialisation contains fewer credits than the minimum required for the Elective component, or if the learner chooses to operate just one type of machine and thereby does not achieve the full number of Elective credits required, then the learner must choose additional Elective Standards from the General stream to gain the number of credits required to complete the Qualification. Electives provide opportunities for the holistic development of the learner and allow for maximum flexibility and multi-skilling to enable the learners to achieve a qualification that is relevant to the context in which they work. The following specialisations are available: Specialisation Stream 1: Crane Operations: Within this specialisation one or more of the following Unit Standards may be acquired. However, it must be noted that in the case of certain cranes (eg. mobile and tower) learners must acquire the NQF Level 2 Unit Standard for that particular type of crane before doing the NQF Level 3 Unit Standard for that type of crane, which involves more complex learning and skills. ID 116254: Operate a mobile crane, Level 2, 20 Credits. ID 253660: Supervise advanced mobile crane operations, Level 4, 20 Credits. ID 116981: Conduct advanced tower crane operations, Level 3, 20 Credits. ID 116231: Operate cab controlled overhead crane, Level 2, 8 Credits. ID 116235: Operate a pendant controlled overhead crane, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 116255: Operate a tower crane, Level 2, 20 Credits. ID 116253: Operate a truck-mounted loader crane, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 242982: Operate a heavy crane, Level 3, 14 Credits. ID 242976: Operate overheadgantry crane, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 242978: Operate truck-mounted cranes, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 117086: Extract and transport timber using a tractor and trailer fitted with a self-loading crane in a production situation, Level 4, 25 Credits. ID 8039: Operating cranes, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260781: Operate a telescopic boom handler, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260761: Operate a reach stacker (telescopic container handler), Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260757: Operate a straddle carrier, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260798: Operate a cantilever container crane (ship to shore), Level 3, 12 Credits. ID 260817: Operate a scotch derrick crane (ship mounted), Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260760: Operate inland container crane (rail to road transfer) goliath type, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 260760: Operate a ships crane, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 260764: Operate a sugar cane crane, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 260759: Operate a wharf side crane (rail mounted), Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 260765: Operate a rubber tyred gantry crane (RTG), Level 3, 12 Credits. ID 260763: Operate a floating crane, Level 3, 12 Credits. ID 260758: Operate a wall-mounted jib, Level 3, 7 Credits. ID 260777: Operate a container side loader, Level 3, 8 Credits. Total Number of Credits for Crane Electives: 285 plus outstanding Specialisation Stream 2: Lift Truck Operations. Within this specialisation one or more of the following Unit Standards may be acquired. However, it must be noted that in the case of certain lift trucks learners must acquire the NQF Level 2 Unit Standard for that particular type of lift truck before doing the NQF Level 3 Unit Standard, which involves more complex learning and skills. ID 8038: Operating lift trucks, Level 3, 6 Credits. ID 242981: Operate defined purpose lift trucks, Level 2, 4 Credits. ID 242974: Operate counter-balanced lift truck, Level 3, 7 Credits. ID 242972: Operate advanced defined purpose lift trucks, Level 3, 7 Credits. ID 260797: Operate a sideloader lift truck, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 260762: Operate rough terrainearthmovingagricultural equipment with lift truck attachments, Level 3, 11 Credits. ID 260818: Operate a counter balanced lift truck in excess of 15 tons, Level 3, 9 Credits. Total Number of Credits for Lift Truck Electives: 52. Specialisation Stream 3: Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWPs). ID 243276: Manage the transportation of mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP), Level 4, 7 Credits. ID 243273: Monitor and control the safety and operations of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms, Level 4, 8 Credits. ID 243272: Operate a Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP), Level 2, 10 Credits. Total Number of Credits for MEWPs Electives: 25. General Stream: ID 253638: Sling and communicate during crane operations, Level 2, 4 Credits. ID 116986: Sling complex loads and communicate during crane operations, Level 3, 12 Credits. ID 116075: Operate a sideboom, Level 2, 8 Credits. ID 117036: Conduct advanced sideboom operations, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 253600: Use a sideboom to lift, lower and carry materials, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 243021: Shift loads using lifting equipment, Level 2, 4 Credits. ID 12481: Sling loads, Level 2, 4 Credits. ID 116583: Perform tandem lifting, Level 4, 12 Credits. ID 115900: Demonstrate knowledge of skills required in the crane industry, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 116976: Apply generic crane operation skills, Level 3, 5 Credits. ID 117001: Use mobile crane to carry out pile-driving, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 115903: Demonstrate knowledge of the requirements for mobile crane delivery, Level 2, 8 Credits. ID 116989: Use a mobile crane to carry out demolition activities with demolition equipment, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 253582: Lift and move a load using manual lifting equipment and tackle, Level 2, 8 Credits. ID 119927: Lift and move a load on a construction site, Level 3, 15 Credits. ID 253595: Direct the operation of an overhead crane, Level 2, 3 Credits. ID 254355: Inspect and conduct routine maintenance on an overhead crane, Level 3, 2 Credits. ID 253590: Use and move a load in suspension using a mobile crane, Level 3, 4 Credits. ID 253658: Perform a lifting task by using a mobile crane, Level 3, 8 Credits. ID 116283: Demonstrate knowledge of and apply regulatory requirements pertaining to crane operation, Level 2, 5 Credits. ID 116976: Apply generic crane operation skills, Level 3, 5 Credits. ID 244407: Lift and move a load using mechanical lifting equipment, Level 3, 7 Credits. ID 244365: Lift and move a load by means of a forklift, Level 2, 3 Credits. ID 244406: Move material by means of a mobilift in an underground mine, Level 2, 6 Credits. ID 242977: Operate ship cargo lifting appliances, Level 3, 10 Credits. ID 123260: Operate tailgates and tail-lifts, Level 3, 2 Credits. ID 12429: Develop a personal financial plan, Level 3, 2 Credits. Total Number of Credits for General Electives: 171. EXIT LEVEL OUTCOMES 1. Demonstrate an understanding of Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental standards in the work environment. 2. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the lifting machine. 3. Perform emergency procedures in the lifting machine environment. 4. Operate a lifting machine. Critical Cross-field Outcomes: Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made when: Identifying defects and anomalies of machines. Recognising potential non-compliance situations in and around the work environment and demonstrating initiative in recommending and applying corrective measures in accordance with relevant legislation, regulations and company policies and procedures. Determining the type of dangerous and hazardous substances. Selecting the lifting machine to be used in handling, moving, storing and stacking a load. Creating a caring environment for workers with HIVAIDS and by actively discouraging negative attitudes towards people with HIVAIDS. Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community to: Ensure that lifting machines are fit for operation by reporting problems and anomalies to respective personnel. Ensure the safety of self, others and materialloads. Fight fires. Encourage others to maintain hygiene standards. Present information addressing the stigma of HIVAIDS and the importance of a proactive strategy in the workplace. Organise and manage oneself and ones activities responsively and effectively when: Identifying and describing the systems, instrumentation, levers, control and safety devices of lifting machines. Conducting inspections of lifting machines and safety equipment and reporting problems. Maintaining a safe working environment. Managing himherself and hisher activities responsibly by making lifestyle choices about HIVAIDS. Identifying, describing, moving and storing dangerous and hazardous substancesloads. Moving, stacking and storing loads. Selecting the most appropriate method for preventingminimising impact of, and responding to safety, health and environmental incidents. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information to: Determine whether lifting machines are safe to operate. Decide on the type of dangerous and hazardous substancesloads. Decide on the lifting machine to be used. Assess whether workplace practice complies with the regulatory framework. Research situations that have a potential to spread HIVAIDS in the workplace and discuss and rating them in terms of high, medium and low risk. Perform hazard identification and risk assessments in such a way that informed decisions could be made. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical andor language skills in the modes of oral andor written presentation to: Prepare and present records on the lifting machines and of incidents. Prepare and complete the handling, stacking and storing of loads. Maintain safety. To communicate control measures identified during the hazard identification and assessment. Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others by: Using the lifting equipment according to manufacturers instructions. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation by understanding the potential impact of hazards on overall workplace objectives, including health, safety and environment. ASSOCIATED ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1: Relevant sections of the legislation pertaining to health, safety and the environment are identified, discussed and applied to ensure worker safety. Occupational health and safety and environmental principles are explained in accordance with workplace requirements. The impact of risks and hazards are explained and preventative measures are applied in order to minimiseeliminate risks and hazards in the lifting machine environment. Hazardous substances are handled according to specified legal requirements and standard operating procedure. Knowledge of HIVAids and it implications for employers and employees is demonstrated to emphasise awareness of the pandemic. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2: The types of lifting machines are identified to indicate the differences between them. The components of the machines are described in terms of their functions and the way in which the components are inter-related. The attachments to the lifting machines are identified in terms of the machines to which they belong and the functions that they perform. The principles of leverage are described so that the lifting machines are used in a safe manner. The systems, instruments and controls of the lifting machines are described in terms of their functions. Refuelling and maintenance procedures are described to indicate the importance of these activities to maintain production. Calculations are used to perform minor routine maintenance and repairs. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3: Knowledge of first aid equipment and procedures is applied after casualties at an accident scene have been prioritised. Knowledge of types of fires, the procedures to deal with them and firefighting equipment is used to extinguish fires. Emergencies arising from lifting machine operations are managed according to standard operating procedure. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4: Work activities are planned and work areas prepared according to worksite procedure. Lifting machine is checked at pre-start and shut down as per manufacturers instructions and standard operating procedure. Attachments for lifting equipment are used according to manufacturers instructions. Information on the operational fitness of the lifting machine is recorded according to company procedure. Technical writing skills are applied in order to record extraordinary or unusual occurrences pertaining to lifting machines. Lifting equipment is operated as per manufacturers instructions and standard operating procedure. Approved communication techniques are used during lifting and slinging operations to ensure that work is performed safely and optimally. Lifting gear is inspected and evaluated and loads are prepared and slung in accordance with relevant Codes of Practice and standard operating procedure. Lifting machine is configured for specialised service, operated in accordance with manufacturers instructions for specialised purpose and reconfigured for normal service. Knowledge of loads is applied during the operation of a lifting machine. Safety measures with respect to specific lifting machines are conducted according to manufacturers instructions and relevant legislation. Quality safety and environmental procedures are followed in terms of worksite procedures. The importance of integrated assessment is to confirm that the learner is able to demonstrate applied competence (practical, foundational and reflexive) and ensure that the purpose of this Qualification is achieved. Both formative and summative assessment methods and strategies are used to ensure that the Exit Level Outcomes and the purpose of the Qualification are achieved through achieving the Unit Standards. Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably linked. Learning and assessment should be integrated and assessment practices must be fair, transparent, valid and reliable. A variety of assessment strategies and approaches must be used. This could include tests, assignments, projects, demonstrations andor any applicable method. Evidence of the acquisition of competencies must be demonstrated through the Unit Standards, which enhance the integration of theory and practice as deemed appropriate at this level. Formative assessment is an on-going process which is used to assess the efficacy of the teaching and learning process. It is used to plan appropriate learning experiences to meet the learners needs. Formative assessments can include a mix of simulated and actual (real) practice or authentic settings. Feedback from assessment informs both teaching and learning. If the learner has met the assessment criteria of all the Unit Standards then she has achieved the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification. Summative assessment is concerned with the judgement of the learning in relation to the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification. Such judgement must include integrated assessment(s) which test the learners ability to integrate the larger body of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are represented by the Exit Level Outcomes. Summative assessment can take the form of oral, written and practical examinations as agreed to by the relevant ETQA. Integrated assessment must be designed to achieve the following: An integration of the achievement of the Exit Level Outcomes in a way that reflects a comprehensive approach to learning and shows that the purpose of the Qualification has been achieved. Judgement of learner performance to provide evidence of applied competence or capability. Assessors and moderators should make use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience. Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and critical cross-field outcomes are assessed. The assessment of the critical cross-field outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of specific outcomes and embedded knowledge. This National Certificate: Lifting Machine Operations at NQF Level 3 embraces a whole range of lifting machines from cranes (of all types), to lift trucks (of all types) to mobile elevated working platforms (MEWPs). In addition, the Core component of this generic Qualification addresses the following competencies: Basic first aid and firefighting skills. Knowledge of legislation pertaining to lifting machines. Knowledge of loads. The dynamics of the lifting environment and housekeeping within the lifting machine context. Appreciation of the lifting machine environment. Communication skills specific to the lifting machine environment. Hazardous substances. HIV and Aids. Occupational Health and Safety and the Environment. Hence, the international comparability mainly covers training on the range of machines, safety, communication and hazardous substances. Most of the courses offered are short courses, many for people already working in the lifting machine environment. America Crane Training: This provider offers programmes which comprise of classroom and hands-on training, mostly in the form of short course. Most effective learning takes place on the actual equipment used by employees. It is for this reason that on-site training is encouraged. CCO Prep Course: Length of Program 3 - 4 Days. This prepares the candidate in each of the four domains included in the Core examination and the four specialty exams. By the end of this training, the operator will have the confidence and skills necessary to successfully complete the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators examination. Core Examination: Domain 1: Site (Approximately 24 of the test). Domain 2: Operations (Approximately 23 of the test). Domain 3: Technical Knowledge (Approximately 28 of the test). Domain 4: Manufacturers Load Charts (Approximately 25 of the test). Specialty Examinations: Lattice Boom Truck Cranes. Lattice Boom Crawler Cranes. Small Telescopic Boom Cranes (17.5 Tons). Large Telescopic Boom Cranes (17.5 Tons). The organisation also runs a number of crane safety courses, namely: Offshore Crane Safety: Length of Program 4 - 5 Days. Regulations and Standards Referenced: ASME B30.8: Floating Cranes and Derricks. ASME B30.6: Derricks. ASME B30.9: Slings. OSHA 1917.45: Cranes and Derricks. Topics and Subject Matter Covered: Causes and Results of Crane Accidents. Types, Components and Terminology. Operator Qualifications. Operators Responsibilities. Vessel and Weather Considerations. Pre-Operational Inspections. Making a Lift Plan. Types of Lifts StaticDynamic. Utilizing Cranes Full Potential. Structural Ratings V. Stability. Understanding and Using Load Charts. Safe Operating Procedures. Hand Signals and Responsibilities of Signal Person. Boom Assembly and Disassembly. Securing the Crane. Rigging (Safe Procedures and Proper Inspection). Crane Safety and Rigging: 4 Day Program or 2 Day Refresher. Regulations and Standards Referenced: ASME B30.5: Mobile Cranes. OSHA 1926.550: Cranes and Derricks. OSHA 1910.180: Crawler, Locomotive and Truck Cranes. Power Crane Shovel Association Number 4. Overhead Crane Safety: Regulations and Standards Referenced: OSHA 1910.179: Overhead and Gantry Cranes. ASME B30.2: Overhead and Gantry Cranes. ASME B30.11: Monorails and Underhung Cranes. ASME B30.16: Overhead Hoists (Underhung). ASME B30.17: Overhead and Gantry Cranes. Inspecting Mobile Cranes. Regulations and Standards Referenced: USAS B30.5 1968. ASME B30.5 Mobile Cranes. ASME B30.10 Hooks. OSHA 1926.550 and 1910.180. Power Crane Shovel Association 2 and 4. Rough Terrain Fork Lift Safety: Regulations and Standards Referenced: OSHA 1926.602: Material Handling Equipment. ASME B56.6: Rough Terrain Fork Lift Trucks. Industrial Lift Trucks: Regulations and Standards Referenced: OSHA 1910.178: Powered Industrial Trucks. ASME B56.1: Low Lift and High Lift Trucks. Aerial Lift Safety: Regulations and Standards Referenced: OSHA 1910.67: Vehicle-Mounted Elevating Work Platforms. OSHA 1926.556: Aerial Lifts. ASMESIA A92.2: Vehicle Mounted Elevating Rotating Aerial Devices. ASMESIA A92.3: Manually Propelled Elevating Aerial Platforms. ASMESIA A92.5: Boom Supported Elevating Work Platforms. ASMESIA A92.6: Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. World Wide Crane Training: This provider, based in California, also offers a number of short courses. CCO Preparatory Training: A 2-3 day course to prepare the candidate to take each of the four specialty exams including the Core examination. This training will prepare the candidate to successfully complete the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators examination. Eight hour classroom training followed by a minimum of one hour per student of individual hands-on training, and is the governing factor for the program duration. Crane nomenclature and component identification: Structural and stability factors. Radius v. boom angle. Proper set up procedures. Crane accidents and their prevention. Pick and carry procedures. Detailed study of load charts. Boom Truck Crane: Crane Operators Course with eight hours of classroom training followed by individual hands-on training. A minimum of one hour per student is required for the hands-on training, The two-day course highlights the following: Crane nomenclature and component identification. Structural and stability factors. Radius v. boom angle. Crane accidents and their prevention. Proper set up procedures. Quadrants of operation. Detailed study of load charts. A complete course outline will be sent upon request. Overhead Crane Operator: Overhead Crane Operators Course with classroom session followed by individual hands-on training. This is a two-day course. Crane nomenclature and components: Structural factors. Capacity factors. Operational procedures. Crane accidents and their prevention. Rigging Procedures. Portable Tower Crane Operator: Portable Tower Crane Operators Course with individual hands-on training. This is a two-day course. The course highlights the following: Inspection and Maintenance. Proper setup. Crane component identification. Quadrants of operation. Crane controls. Proper operating procedures. Riggings loads. Start up and Shut down procedures. Detailed study of load charts. Forklift Operators Course is a two-day program. The course is based on National Safety Council approved courses, and highlights the following: Safe operating principles. Maintenance and inspection. Safe operating rules. Lifting mechanics. Aerial Work PlatformManlift Operator Training: A two-day course, highlighting the following: Safe operating principles for type of machine. Maintenance and Inspection. Safe operating rules. Lifting mechanics. Detailed study of load charts (that apply). U. S. Navy NAVFAC P-307 Safety Course: The course is a detailed study of NAVFAC P-307 requirements for category I, II and III weight handling equipment. This program exceeds the Navy training requirements for its personnel and is presented around the world. The Electrical Industry Training Institute Limited. This company offers the following refresher courses: This is a one-day course consisting of classroom theory and a practical evaluation on a supplied machine. Courses will cover all application of forklifts and their operation. Theory of stability will also be covered. Also WCB Regulations will be reviewed. Course duration: 1 day. Target audience: Persons who already operate a forklift or lift truck as part of their employment. The Bright Training and Safety Wear: This is a company that operates throughout North America and provides training in the following. Fork Truck Operator Training Course Content: The two segments to the forklift certification program include classroom theory and practical evaluation: Review legislation and finespenalties relating to the (OSHA) Occupational Health and Safety Act. Outline the responsibilities of Owner, Employer, Supervisors, and Workers. Options available to a driver who is asked to perform unsafe work, or an unsafe act. Group discussion on experiences of actual incidents or close calls. Consequences of unsafe driving of an Industrial Fork Truck: Legal, Moral, Ethical, Social and Psychological. Review the classifications of the Industrial Forklifts and highlight differences. Pre-shift inspections. Stability triangletrapezoid. Centre of Gravity of the load and Centre of Gravity of the truck. Capacity of Industrial Forklifts, capacity plates (reading and understanding). Specific hazards and controls when driving an Industrial Forklift. How to respond to an emergency situation involving an Industrial Forklift Truck. List specific driving rules to your use of Industrial Forklifts. Forklift training will involve verification and review of 50 questions, True and False format. Theory is approximately four hours in length. Lift Truck TrainingForklift Operator Training: Lift truck trainingforklift operator evaluation driver review involves the following: All drivers completing the driver evaluation must have successfully completed concepts of safe and efficient driving training. Upon successful completion of the driver operator training program, participants will be Certified as Industrial Lift Truck Drivers. Each lift truck driver completes a Pre-shift inspection. Criteria: Observed Picking up a Load: Forks at correct height. Smooth stopping. Forks level before entering. Load is centered. Load is stable for lifting and transporting. Load all way to heel of forks. Proper tilt for type of load. Looks before backing up. Stops at all blind corners. Proceeds with load at safe height. Proceeds at safe speed. How to deal with obstructed view. Criteria: Observed Stacking a Load: Approach with load down. Looks behind before backing out. Raising load. Smooth operation. Levels load before putting in place. Gently places. Insures all people are at a safe distance. Aware of rear end swing. Propane Handling Observation if applicable: Review physical characteristics of an on site propane tank. Complete overview of tank condition (O-ring, collar, dating, soap solution check, etc). Lift Truck Training will require all participants to change a propane tank on an Industrial Lift Truck, or propane heater (site specific) in a competent manner. Review evaluation form with participant. Parking: Forks flat, Tilt forward, Parking brake on. Duration: The average time to complete a driver training evaluation is one hour, for experienced drivers. It is suggested that new drivers be instructed for a minimum of four hours prior to being evaluated. Overhead Crane Training HoistSling Operator Safety Certification: Overhead crane traininghoists sling operator certification safety course. Our professional staff of trainers and consultants will teach the basics of safe cranesling operation and preshift inspections, so as to increase productivity and efficiency while reducing the risk of product damage, property damage, and accidents. Overhead crane training certification, like some of our other safety courses is also customized for people in the workplace struggling with illiteracy. Concepts of Safe Use of CranesSlings: Material Handling regulations under the OSHA 49 through 64. Pre-Shift checks and inspection. Analyze the lift. Load limits and capacity. Maintaining a safe distance. Lifting, moving, placing loads. Standard safe practices. Controls and basic operation. Use of chains, slings, spreader bars, grabbers, and other attachments. Observation Of Safe Use Of CranesSlings: Each Operator will be evaluated on the safe use of cranesslings. Using equipment they will be using in their regular use of the crane hoistslings. A written evaluation of this observation is completed, reviewed with participants, and given to the company for their records. Aerial Platform Training Course: Elevated Work On Boom Lifts: This program is divided into two segments: Part one consists of an in class theoretical course which includes a competency evaluation (true false test) and review. Part two consists of an on site evaluation which will verify the individuals ability to operate a specific Manlift, in a safe manner. Part One: Concepts of Safe and Efficient Operation: Scissor Lift Purpose: Provide participants a general understanding of the safe and efficient operation of Power Operated Mobile Work Platforms. Participants will be able to identify specific health and safety hazards associated with operating manliftsboom lift. Review related sections of the OHS Act, CSA Standards, and Scaffold Industry Association of Canada specifications: Operating unsafe equipment or perform unsafe acts. Outline fines and penalties for improper use of the equipment. Lifting device and mobile equipment definitions. Complete review of fall arrest required, and recommended. Pre-shift equipment inspection and work area survey requirements. Review site specific Hazards, and controls for safe operation of a Manlift. Review safety decals, load capabilities, and specific equipment requirements. Fifteen key elements for safe operation of a Power Elevated Mobile Aerial Work Platform. Part Two: Practical Evaluation: All operators must successfully complete the theoretical portion of this program prior to being evaluated on site-specific equipment. Each individual will be tested to ensure they can safely and efficiently operate your site-specific equipment. Evaluations will be completed during regular working shifts, wherever possible. On successful completion of both parts one and two of this program, the participant will be certified as a Power Operated Mobile Platform (Manlift) Operator. Pre-shift equipment inspection, and work area survey: Uses proper personal protective equipment as required by the OHS Act and respective employer. Use and proper fitting of fall arrest (harness) device. Aware of the manufacturers specs for specific equipment (load limits, etc). Uses a signaller or spotter where required. Operates lift only on solid and level ground. Operates lift with all other workers clear of the site. Closes off site when doing major overhead workprojects. Smoothsafe operating speed for various plant conditions. Lift mobilizes only when the unit is in fully lowered position. All tools and associated equipment safely stored on the lift platform. Lucid Safety Training and Consulting LTD: This provider offers training in the following machines: Lift Truck Operator Training: The lift truck training certification course consists of classroom theory training and in-plant practical training. All participants must pass both the theory and practical test to be certified (OSHA). This lift truck training program is designed to meet the needs of current workforces where literacy andor language barriers are problematic. The theory testing provides the customer with actual test questions and participant answers. This due diligence measure helps prove appropriate and necessary questions were asked and answered. If the fork truck uses propane as a fuel, participants become certified in safe handling as required by the Energy Act of Ontario. Program Content: Review of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the legal requirement for using lifting equipment including responsibilities of the owner, supervisor and worker. Consequences of improper use of a lift truck. Key points of CSA B335-04 Safety Standard for Lift Trucks. Understanding the different kinds of lift trucks (electric motor rider lift trucks, electric motor narrow aisle lift trucks, electric hand trucks, and internal combustion engine lift trucks). The lifting capacity of the lift trucks. Understanding centre of gravity, the stability triangle and trapezoid and potential for lift truck flip overs. Safe operating practices. Use of Controls. Provisions for Lifting people. Understanding lifting attachments. Pre-shift checks of the lift truck. Theory and practical tests. Who conducts the safety training. Our instructors have many years of expertise. They not only understand the requirements of current legislation but understand the everyday issues and concerns of the operators. Their focus is doing everything they possibly can to prevent lift truck-related accidents at your facilities. We will conduct fork lift training anywhere in North America. It is advisable that forklift operators be trained on the lift trucks they will be assigned to use. Overhead Crane TrainingLifting Devices. The overhead crane training certification program consists of a classroom training session and a practical training session. All participants must pass both sessions to be certified. Successful participants receive a wallet certificate of achievement. This program is designed to break through literacy andor language barriers in its design while, at the same time provide the customer with actual test questions and participant answers. Program Content: The Occupational Health and Safety Act and the legal requirement for using lifting equipment. Review of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the legal requirement for using an industrial crane including. Responsibilities of the owner, supervisor and worker. Consequences of improper use of a crane - The function of different kinds of cranes and lifting devices. The lifting capacity of the cranes. Crane load limits. Using different kinds of slings, rigging methods, and the effect of sling angle. Safe lifting practices (lifting, moving, and placing loads). Maintaining a safe distance. Proper use of controls (pendent, radio, and cab). Understanding lifting attachments. Pre-shift checks of the crane. Theory and practical tests. Aerial PlatformBoom Lift Training: The aerial PlatformBoom Truck Training program consists of a classroom training session and a practical training session. In Canada, two CSA Standards are involved, B354.2 Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms and B354.4 Self-Propelled Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms. Self-propelled elevating work platforms refer to work platforms that cannot be positioned completely beyond the base on the machine. Self-propelled boom-supported elevating work platforms refer to platforms that can be positioned completely beyond the base of the machine. This theory training is quite similar for both types. Elevated Work Program Content: Legal requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. Requirements of Canadian Standards Association Codes CAN3-B354.2 Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms for Use on PavedSlab Surfaces and CAN3 - B354.4 Boom-Type Elevating Work Platforms. Pre-shift inspection of the elevating work platforms. Precautions for lifting, lowering, and moving. Personal protective equipment including fall arrest systems. Operation of the elevating work platforms. Safe operating practices. The lifting capacity of the lift trucks. Use of emergency controls. Theory and practical tests. General Machine Operator Awareness: Program Content: Legal requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. Key points of the Canadian Standards Association Z432-04 for Safeguarding of Machinery. Conducting risk assessments. Pre-shift inspections. Importance of lockout procedures when required. Use of blocking devices. Checking safety devices. Types of guards and guarding devices. Machine Risk Assessment Training: Program Content: Risk assessment and hazard analysis. Principles of machine safety. Types of hazards and suitable safeguards. Strategy for selecting safety measures. Suitable safeguards and lockout. Description of the vocational education and training programme for: Operation of tower and swing crane with international lifting certificate: A-certificate: Profile of skills and competencies. A person having obtained an A-certificate: Is able to perform crane lifts with construction machines, including assessing, planning and performing lifting assignments with due consideration of the point of gravity and the correct and safe position and handling of the load from a point of view of stability. Is able to assess and identify various risky points in the lifting and transport process, including taking into account sharp edges of the load, slippage effects and loose objects. Is able to identify ordinary lifting gear and has knowledge of the labelling of such gear and of applicable rules on load line loads, safety factors and rejection limits as well as of statutory overhauls and storage regulations. Is able to work as a banksman and to control the lifting and transport process by means of generally used standard signalling and radio communication. Is able to identify the major parts of a digging or loading machine and has knowledge of its statutory safety equipment in relation to the performance of crane operations, including statutory overhauls. Duration and mode of education and training: The total duration of the education programme is 20 days. The education programme has taken place at a VET-institution which according to the resolutions of the legislation is approved by the Ministry of Education to offer and implement the education programme. Level of certificate: The training programme is a full vocational education and training programme, equivalent to level 3 in the Isced system (Isced 1997). The purpose of this document is to explain the contents of the certificate. Wherever possible the various sections of the descriptions are based of the recommendations given in 22412004EC of the European Parliament and Council of 15 December 2004, on a single Community framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences (Europass). The United Kingdom: Sivatech Ltd Fork Truck Training: Operator Training: Truck Type: Counterbalance Truck. Truck Group: B1 B2 B3 G2. Course Title: 1 Day Refresher Safety Course. Delegates: Maximum of 3 trainees per course. Course Objective: On successful completion of this theoretical and practical training course trainees should be able to operate the machine safely and competently. Trainees will have practised manoeuvring the machine both unladen and laden in the confined areas, stacked and de-stacked at various levels and will have been instructed in daily and pre-shift inspection and refuelling procedures. They will also have undergone the appropriate theoretical and practical tests of basic operating skills which are recognized by the Independent Training Standards Scheme Register (ITSSAR) and comply with the recommendations and standards of the Health and Safety Commission (HSC) ACoP and Supplementary Guidance, Rider Operated Lift Trucks - Operator Training (L117). Course Syllabus: Theoretical: Introduction to lift trucks: Explanation of the need to train people to operate these machines correctly and the operators responsibilities under the Health Safety at Work legislation and regulations. Daily inspection procedure: Explanation of the reasons why operators must inspect the truck at the start of the day or shift and the procedure for reporting faults or defects. A practical session is also completed on this subject. Lift truck stability: Explanation of the trucks rated capacities and how weight, distance and forces affect the stability of the machine. Battery CareRefuelling: Explanation of the need for safe systems of work, when recharging batteries or refuelling gas and diesel trucks and the different hazards, which may be present. A practical session is also completed on this subject. Safe truck operations and Industrial safety: Explanation of the operators safety rules and policies, the need for a safe working environment including personal responsibilities. Handling dangerous goods: Explanation of the various signs, labels and symbols, which the operator may encounter and the correct methods of handling hazardous or dangerous goods, including procedures to adopt in the event of spillage. Course Syllabus: Practical: Elementary driving: Introduction to and explanation of the instruments, hydraulic and motive controls. Demonstration, explanation and guided practise in the correct techniques and procedures for travelling with an unladen and laden truck, both in the forwards and reverse directions, manoeuvring in unrestricted areas, progressing to confined areas. Safe operating procedures: Demonstration and explanation together with guided practise in the correct procedures to use when handling, carrying, stacking and de-stacking loads in free standing stacks and racking. Battery CareRefuelling: Demonstration, explanation and guided practise in either the correct procedures to adopt when carrying out day to day recharging of batteries or refuelling gas and diesel trucks. Also covered in section 4 of the theoretical syllabus. Daily inspection procedures: Demonstration, explanation and guided practise in examining the machine at the start of the day or shift and when taking over from another operator during the shift. In addition, course candidates will have been instructed in the procedures for reporting faults or defects and the need for maintaining a record of the examination. Test: Theoretical Test: A multiple choice question paper covering the theory content of the course. Pre-use Check: Inspection of the machine. Practical Skills Test: A practical basic operating skills test. The company provides nationally recognised training and assessment services in a wide range of occupational areas associated with the Civil and General construction, MiningExtractive, Local government, Rural and Allied industries. Cranewise Australia is a Registered Training Provider under the Australian Quality Training Framework for Cranes, Rigging, Scaffolding and Loadshifting Courses. They deliver a wide range of short courses in construction operations, elevated work platforms, loadshifting, materials handling (dogging rigging), height safety, workplace health safety and all mobile cranes. Some popular short courses are the Vehicle Loading Crane (Truck crane under 10mt). These courses are Lifting equipment Awareness, Harness Awareness and the under 11m Elevated Work Platform (YELLOW CARD). Training ProgramsCourse List. Cranes and Material Handling: Overhead Bridge and Gantry Crane. CV Vehicle loading crane 10tm (1 day courses available). CN - non slewing mobile crane. C2- 20 ton slewing mobile crane. C6- 60 ton slewing mobile crane. C1- 100 ton slewing mobile crane. CO - Unlimited slewing mobile crane. Lifting Equipment Awareness (1 day course available). Boom type elevating work platforms WP - 11m and over. Elevating work platforms (yellow card - below 11m): Loadshifting: Front End Loader. Forklift Operations. All Skills Services: The organisation offers a course of operating a forklift. Students are new entrants to the transport industry who require licensing from the licensing body of Victoria operated by WorkCover. Prior to licensing students cannot be employed as forklift vehicle driver. Completion of this qualification is required for licensing eligibility. The course provides a pathway to obtain a forklift licence. The course is delivered over an 8 hour period per student as an instructor led program. All delivery and assessment can be a combination of both on and off the job. The program has been organized to provide students with general skills, background information and specific knowledge about driving a vehicle, which is then applied in discussion, questioning, role-plays and projects for the industry specific unit. Japan Crane Association (JCA) is a public corporation approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the objectives of which are to prevent work-related accidents due to cranes, and upgrade the safety management of the load transportation. JCA is playing a major role for international standardization activities for cranes (including mobile cranes) as a national drafting body of ISOTC96 (Crane and related equipment) and the secretariat of ISOTC96SC5 (Use, operation and maintenance). In addition, JCA acts as a drafting body of national standards andor safety regulations of cranes and conducts the research entrusted by Government. For preventing work-related accident due to cranes, etc. JCA provides the operator training course, skills training course and other various safety and health education courses. Crane operator training: Crane operator training course. Mobile crane operator training course. Skills Training: Skills training course for operating floor-operated type crane. Skills training course for operating small-sized mobile crane. Skills training course for sling work. Special Education: Special education for operating a crane with small lifting capacity. Special education for operating a mobile crane with small lifting capacity Safety and Health Education. Safety and health education for personnel engaged in periodic self inspection for overhead traveling crane. Safety and health education for personnel engaged in periodic self inspection for mobile crane. Safety and health education for foremen engaged in erection and dismantling work of climbing tower crane. Safety and health brush-up education for crane operator. Safety and health brush-up education for mobile crane operator. The following countries in Africa were checked for purposes on international comparability: Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Nigeria and Ghana. These countries train on the programmes provided by international training companies, some of which are listed below: Crane Operator Training School in California, USA. Crane Training Canada - International Overhead Crane Operator Safety Training. Safe-Tech Training in Canada. Thomas Truck Training in the United Kingdom. Train-a-Lift Ltd in the United Kingdom. Australian Skills Training. Most of the coursetraining offered internationally constitutes of short courses on particular machines. The training includes aspects of health and safety and the actual use of the lifting machine. One or two course are quite extended but not like this Qualification. This Qualification contains many generic competencies and will allow the learner to study for a qualification at a higher NQF level and thereby increase the learners opportunities to obtain a higher position in the industry. While the training on a single lifting machine is focussed and less time-consuming, it must be noted that it does not allow for much mobility except to prepare the learner for that machine and possibly train on another lifting machine later. This Qualification lends itself to both vertical and horizontal articulation possibilities. Horizontal articulation is possible with the following Qualifications: ID 49052: National Certificate: Plant Production, NQF Level 3. ID 59730: National Certificate: Mechanical Handling (Rigging), NQF Level 3. ID 49080: National Certificate: Construction: Advanced Crane Operations, NQF Level 3. Vertical articulation is possible with the following Qualifications: ID 49009: National Certificate: Plant Production, NQF Level 4. ID 57712: Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management, NQF Level 4. ID 59731: Further Education and Training Certificate: Mechanical Handling (Rigging), NQF Level 4. ID 49053: National Certificate: Supervision of Construction Processes, NQF Level 4. ID 59298: Further Education and Training Certificate: Freight Forwarding and Customs Compliance, NQF Level 4. Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this Qualification must be registered as an assessor with the relevant Education, Training, Quality, and Assurance ( ETQA) Body. Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this Qualification must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA. Assessment and moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the ETQAs policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation in terms of agreements reached around assessment and moderation between ETQAs (including professional bodies) and in terms of the moderation guideline detailed immediately below. Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at exit points of the Qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described both in individual unit standards, the integrated competence described in the Qualification and will include competence within core sales and the elective standards relevant to the economic sector. Anyone wishing to be assessed against this Qualification may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution that is accredited by the relevant ETQA. CRITERIA FOR THE REGISTRATION OF ASSESSORS For an applicant to register as an assessor, the applicant needs: A relevant Qualification at NQF Level 4 or higher. To be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA. PROVIDERS CURRENTLY ACCREDITED TO OFFER THIS QUALIFICATION: This information shows the current accreditations (i. e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here. Dees Training (PTY) LTD All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

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